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Get Full Coverage Auto Insurance for Less - 5 Great Tips

Being able to drive is considered a privilege, which can be taken from you if you disobey the law. One way to disobey the law is by not having insurance on your vehicle. Insurance may be money that you have to spend out of your pocket each month and depending on your vehicle, it can be incredibly high, but that doesn’t mean that you have to spend a fortune on insuring your car. If you want full coverage auto insurance on your vehicle, here are a few tips on how to get cheap full coverage auto insurance that won’t having you digging in the couch for change the day after you pay your monthly premium.

Request Higher Deductibles

This is probably one of the easiest things you can do to reduce your overall cost of full coverage insurance premiums. Simply give your insurance agent a call and as long as you don’t have restrictions keeping you from upping your deductible such as a note on your vehicle then there should be no reason why you can’t raise your deductible. The only thing to keep in mind is to make sure that you will be able to pay the higher deductible in the event of an accident.

Claim Discounts

Insurance companies offer a number of discounts including multi-vehicle, anti-theft device and anti-lock brakes. You can also receive discounts for being a good student, a safe driver, taking a defensive driving course, etc. You may also be eligible to receive a discount if you have all of your insurances with one company. There are a number of discounts to be taken advantage of, some of which won’t be out in the open, so be sure to ask your insurance agent for the discounts that they offer.

Eliminate Unnecessary Extras

When purchasing full coverage insurance, it usually automatically comes with towing coverage and coverage for a rental car. If you know someone with a towing service, have a second vehicle, or have the financial resources to pay for these expenses should the time come up when you need them then taking them off of your insurance policy can help you get cheap full coverage auto insurance.

Drive Safely

This is another easy one. Reckless driving can skyrocket your insurance rates as much as 40% so by driving carefully and paying closer attention to what’s going on around you when driving down the road, you can reduce your insurance rates. Not only can reckless driving affect your rates, but if it’s bad enough, it could eventually lead to the insurance company not renewing your policy.

Drive Less Frequently

If you don’t commute more than a few miles per day or take public transportation to and from work or school then you may be able to qualify for a reduced mileage discount resulting in cheap full coverage auto insurance. The insurance company sees you as a lower risk since you aren’t on the road as often and as a result, provides a discount for you.